I was looking at my Stats, and found them pretty interesting, as usual.
On this blog, I've had 8,189, page views. The most popular is The first day of National Poetry Month.,and most people use Google reader to come here, followed by http://www.murrieta365.com/, my photo blog.
Murrieta365, has had 15,938 page views. Murrieta Mesa High School. is the most popular, followed by Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday. The biggest source of traffic is http://thedailymeme.com/day/sunday/, I thought that was pretty interesting.
Janice Elaine Sews, has 1,760 page views, with Camera Strap Cover With Lens Pocket Tutorial and g..., being the most viewed, and 2010 Blogger's Quilt Festival coming in second. Most of the traffic comes from http://quiltinggallery.com/quilting-bloggers/
Loves Books and Tea, has had 3,544 page views, most of the traffic, came directly from this blog, thank you, Google Reader. The most viewed pages were, Laura Hillenbrand's new book, Unbroken: A World Wa... and Outcast United by Warren St. John.
Jan's Kitchen has had 1,654 page views, with most of the traffic coming from http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2010/03/over-used-recfollowed pretty equally by this blog and Murrieta365. The most popular page is Healthy Chicken and Dumplings, and Pasta Corn Salad.
Hope I didn't bore you to death; I really do find this all interesting. Do you know how to check you stats, on your dashboard, it's the last item you can click on.
718 Posts, last published on Feb 26, 2011 – View Blog 

Thanks for stopping by, we enjoyed having you,

The Stats showed that someone found my blog searching for "manchester united vs manchester city live." The word Manchester isn't even on my blog. Let alone anything to do with sports!