April 15, 2010

Fun Monday

I straight up asked a couple of people to host Fun Monday, next week. EastCoastLife, who lives in Singapore, has put her thinking cap on, and will let us know the topic, soon. If you want to host the following week, let her know.

P.S. I just got an email from Tan, of EastCoastLife, here's her topic for Monday, April 19th:
When it comes to gift-giving and receiving, men and women differ on many things. Are men easier to please? Show us the best and worst gift(s) you have ever received from your spouse/partner/lover?
My, oh my, this could get interesting!


  1. ALoha Jan. I will host this in a couple of weeks. I wanna watch it for a couple more rounds before committing to doing that :)

  2. I'm so relieved you have offers for hosting.
    I will have a go, but not quite yet.
    Have ongoing Internet connections probs over past few days. Might have to call out the repairman!
    How about I try n do one at the beginning of next month?

  3. Thanks Jan for posting the new theme for 19th April.

    I have prepared a few more topics for future Fun Mondays, I can fill the gap if there is no host for a particular week. :P

  4. I just had a look on Eastcoastlife's blog and there is nothing up yet, and it's Sunday morning already here. I'll play of course and I too am ready to fill in gaps !


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