This is the only trip I've taken without my camera. The cellphone cameras are so good now, that I wanted to see if I'd be happy with just the phone.
Day 1 was travel and day 2 was a visit to West Point.
But first, we had breakfast with Ben Franklin. He talked about his many adventures and some of his inventions, including the $7 bill! Who knew?
The Army March On, above and the Navy March On, below, took place more than two hours before the game. As you can see it was snowing in earnest and the snow continued throughout the day.
Day 5 we visited the Museum of the American Revolution in Philly and had lunch in the famous City Tavern. Then it was on to Washington DC.
Yes, we still had plenty of snow in the morning. Below are some photos from the museum. This is a new museum and I was very impressed.
The Korean War Memorial is my favorite in Washington DC. It's so dynamic and moving.
The Washington Monument.
The Lincoln Memorial
The Wall, the Viet Nam War Memorial
And Last the World War Two Memorial. This is one that I didn't know existed and it was wonderful and moving.
Kilroy was here!
After lunch, we moved on to the Arlington National Cemetary.
This was a great trip and I learned a lot. Learning is always one of my goals when I travel.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

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