Exercise, I'm not getting enough. I love to walk the San Diego Zoo, and during my visit on Friday, I found I lacked the oomph to walk as much as I wanted. I've become sedentary; lots of computer time, sewing/quilting time and reading. All those things are done sitting, for the most part. Sure, I teach Tai Chi, but it's not enough. Plus I no longer walk the 3+ miles each time I worked at Barnes and Noble!

On Friday, I resolved to start exercising regularly. No computer or sewing time, if I having exercised. My favorite exercise is walking. Today, right after breakfast, I walked, not far, only 1.8 miles; but I walked. I'll slowly build up and get back in shape.
How about you, what shape are you in?
Thanks for stopping by and sharing my life with me,

You go girl...walking is so easy n its free!!! You can't go wrong!!