I saw this at
Shelf Awarness and want to share a great idea.

In celebration of publishing
Change the World for Ten Bucks: small actions x lots of people = big change, Chronicle Books is dubbing this Friday, May 1, "Change the World Day." The San Francisco publisher's offices will close and Chronicle staff members will work with one of 10 Bay Area organizations, including Friends of the San Francisco Public Library, Habitat for Humanity, 826 Valencia and the San Francisco Zoo. Americorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps) will send 30 members from its Pacific Region campus in Sacramento to volunteer alongside Chronicle's employees.
Change the World for Ten Bucks, written by the U.K. nonprofit We Are What We Do, tries to inspire people to change little things in their lives such as not leaving on too many lights, not picking plastic bags at the grocery store and recycling. The book has already sold nearly one million copies worldwide and has led to some tangible results: a canvas tote bag inscribed with "
I Am Not a Plastic Bag" is sold out around the world.
Check out the video created for this book
Happy May day to you. Wheres the May pole? Aren't we suppose to dance around it??? Oh the childhood memories. I remember when they introduced the plastic bags in the grocery stores, I hated it then and still do. Another thing is all the bottled water, all this plastic is taking up all the space in our landfills. Evidently these ideas were not thought through and now look at the mess we are in....my blood pressure is rising as I write this. I can only do my part in helping to save the environment.